Get Involved


Volunteers are a central part of Granville Community Kitchen. You can volunteer in the kitchen, the garden or for the Good Food Box:

+ Kitchen – Currently there are volunteer opportunities to support us in our weekly community meal program and in delivering Food Aid to the local community. Volunteers during community meals help is in serving, washing up, cleaning, and vitally in creating a welcoming community based atmosphere. Volunteers on our food aid program help packing bags and delivering them locally. If you want to volunteer in the kitchen fill in this form

+ Garden – Volunteers help us with many of the tasks of the garden (sowing, planting, harvesting, weeding). Get in touch if you’ve got green fingers, or want to get green fingers. Fill in this form if you want to volunteer in the garden. 

+ Good Food Box – We have volunteers helping to pack our fruit and veg bags – this happens on Wednesday morning from 11-1 at the Granville. Volunteers can also support from home with things like newsletter writing, recipe writing or creating social media content. We are also looking out for people who can support us in spreading the word locally about the Good Food Box. If you want to volunteer with the Good Food Box fill in this form

Solidarity value exchange – For those who struggle to pay the Good Food Start price for their veg, we offer a work exchange. You can come and help us with the Good Food Box pack for the morning and receive that week’s bag of veg in exchange for your help. If you would like to talk more about this option you can email us or come and talk to us in person at the Granville on a Wednesday.

Stay In Touch

If you like the work we do, sign up to stay in touch with Granville Community Kitchen. Hear updates on events, volunteering opportunities, courses and workshops, and food distribution. Fill in this form to stay connected.

Make a Social Equity Investment

Invest in the health of your local community by donating money to support GCK in the work that we do connecting people to food, land and community. For us at Granville Community Kitchen this is an act of solidarity rather than charity, based on an understanding that all of our health is intertwined and everyone has a right to food. The money you invest goes directly towards supporting people in your local community.

You can make a one off or regular Social Equity Investment when you sign up for a Good Food Box. Or arrange a one off or regular transfer into our bank account if you’d like to make a Social Equity Investment without signing up to the Good Food Box.

Our bank details are:

Unity Trust Bank
Sort code 608301
Account 2038 0137

Please add donation to the payment reference, and do also send us an email to let us know you’ve donated so that we can thank you personally.

Get a Good Food Box

Sign up for a weekly Good Food Box by filling in our sign up form. Becoming a member of the Good Food Box supports the work that we do in feeding the local community healthy, fresh, and culturally appropriate food.